Continuing Education Credit
2016 Continuing Education Instructions
Please note: Credit-seeking conference attendees MUST pay both the conference attendance fee AND the per-credit tuition fee.
Teachers, librarians, and administrators may attend this conference to earn continuing education (inservice) credit.
Register and pay ($60) for the continuing education (inservice) credit through the Boise State Center for Professional Development. Click here to register for credit!
Register and pay for attendance to the conference and pre-conference workshop here. The conference registration fee is $20 for adults. The pre-conference workshop is free of charge.
Credit requirements (for continuing education):
Attend and sign-in at the Friday night writing workshop, 6:00-8:00 pm.
Attend all Saturday conference sessions.
Choose and read at least three books, one from each of the following conference authors (J. Scott Savage, Lisa Mangum, Alyson Peterson).
Write one paper, which includes a critique/response to the books and a synthesis of the conference.
E-mail your paper by the due date (December 15, 2016) to Stan Steiner: Include in subject heading: RexburgSCBWI Critique/Response.your last name.
Learn more about the conference here.
Registering to earn credit is totally separate from registering for the conference. You must register for the conference as well as for the BSU credit, which has a separate expense.
You will not be able to attend the conference if you have not registered.
To earn the credit, you must attend the writing workshop on Friday, October 14 from 6:00-8:00 pm and the conference on Saturday, October 15 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (attendance will be taken). You must also write the follow-up response paper if you want to receive a P (Passing) grade.
The follow-up response paper has the following requirements:
You must read a total of 3 books, one by each of the authors featured at this conference.
Your follow-up response paper must include 4 well-developed paragraphs as follows:
A 1-paragraph response/reflection for each of the three books (3 paragraphs total for the book responses). Use examples from the story to make it evident you actually read the book. Some ideas or suggestions for topics might include:
Discuss your favorite part of the book and explain why.
How are you different from one of the characters?
How might the story be different if it had happened somewhere else (or in a different time period)?
Did you like the story? Why or why not?
Was there a character you didn’t like? Explain why.
What did you think of the way the author wrote the book (the author’s style, tone, and/or approach to telling the story)? Use examples to support your opinion.
The final/4th paragraph reflection is on the conference itself. This can include any kind of response in which you share your experience with the conference. Feel free to give us feedback, share what was beneficial, what was not. You will not be judged on your response in this section as long as your tone is respectful.
Papers are due by December 15th, 2016. Please e-mail to Stan Steiner: Include in the subject heading: Rexburg SCBWI Critique/Response.your last name.